====== Commands ====== Gnucap commands are defined by plugins. This section defines all commands supplied in the main tarball. Your installation may not have all of these commands, and may have others in addition to these. It depends on which plugins you have installed. ===== "Simulation" or "analysis" commands ===== These commands are the core simulation commands. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:ac]] Performs a small signal AC (frequency domain) analysis. Sweeps frequency. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:dc]] Performs a nonlinear DC analysis, for determining transfer characteristics. Sweeps DC input or component values. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:fourier]] Transient analysis, with results in frequency domain. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:op]] Performs a nonlinear DC analysis, for determining quiescent operating conditions. Sweeps temperature. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:transient]] Performs a nonlinear transient (time domain) analysis. Sweeps time. ===== "Data" commands ===== These commands manipulate the circuit. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:build]] Build a new circuit or change an existing one. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:delete|clear]] Delete the entire circuit, titles, etc. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:delete]] Delete a part, or group of parts. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:edit]] Edit the circuit description using your editor. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:fault|fault,unfault]] Temporarily change a component. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:list]] List the circuit on the display. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:alter|alter, modify]] Change a value, node, etc. For very simple changes. ===== "Parameter" and "Measure" commands ===== These commands work with parameters. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:parameter]] Set or view parameters. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:measure]] Make (post) measurements on your circuit. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:eval]] Evaluate parameters. ===== "Probe" commands ===== These commands set up probes for later use. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:alarm]] Select points in the circuit to check against limits. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:plot|plot, iplot]] Select points in the circuit (and their range) to plot. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:print|print, iprint, probe]] Select points in the circuit to print as table. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:store]] Select points in the circuit to store for post-processing. ===== "File" commands ===== * [[gnucap:manual:commands:include]] Include a file from disk. Add it the what is already in memory. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:lib]] Include parts of a library file. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:load|load, unload]] Load a plugin. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:get]] Get a circuit from a disk file. Deletes old one first for a fresh start. (deprecated) * [[gnucap:manual:commands:save]] Save the circuit in a file. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:log]] Create a log file. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:outfile|>]] Send a copy of the screen output to a file. ===== "Other" commands ===== * [[gnucap:manual:commands:end]] Perform analyses in queue. New circuit follows. (Implemented incorrectly.) * [[gnucap:manual:commands:exit|exit, quit]] Exits the program. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:options]] View and set system options. (Same as set.) * [[gnucap:manual:commands:temp]] Set or view temperature. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:width]] Set output width. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:sweep]] Sweep a component. (Loop function.) (deprecated) * [[gnucap:manual:commands:generator]] View and set the transient analysis function generator. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:freeze|freeze, unfreeze]] Mark this time point, so transient analysis will restart here. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:chdir]] Change current directory. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:pause]] Wait for key hit in batch mode. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:status]] Display resource usage, etc. * [[gnucap:manual:commands:title]] View and create the heading line for printouts and files.